Coordinate System
Click the coordinate system you want to use.
For Cartesian coordinates, enter the horizontal distance to
move the object, or the ruler coordinate on which to place
the object.
For Cartesian coordinates, enter the vertical distance to
move the object, or the ruler coordinate on which to place
the object.
For polar coordinates, enter the distance.
For polar coordinates, enter the angle, in degrees, or drag
the red needle in the dial at the right.
Move From Current
Bases the object's movement on its present location. For
example, you can move the object one centimeter up and
two centimeters to the right.
Move Along Ruler
Move an object to specific ruler coordinates.
The point on the object that will be placed at specified
ruler coordinates. For example, if the origin is "Top, left
handle," the top, left corner of the object's bounding box
will be placed at the specified coordinates.
Type the number of copies to make while transforming an
object. Each copy is spaced from the previous copy as
defined by your settings. To move only the original
object, set the number of copies to 0.
Group Copies
Automatically groups all the copies after a transform, but
not the original object.
Shows a list of remembered transformation settings. This
feature lets you apply multiple transforms to an object.
Add - Adds the current transformation settings to the list.
Modify - Sets the selected remembered transform to the
current settings. Choose the remembered transform you
want to change, make the changes you want, and then
click Modify. The new settings appear in the list.
Delete - Removes the current transform from the list.
Empty - Removes all remembered transforms.
Wireframe Preview - Shows a wireframe preview of the
transformation as you enter values.